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Military Laws And Rules And Regulations For The Armies Of The United States.

Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office Washington, May 1st , 1813

1st. The progress made by each corps or regiment, in military discipline in general, and particularly in a knowledge of the evolutions prescribed for the practice of the troops; in habits of obedience, and of attention to personal appearance, and to the rules of interior economy.

2d. Whether the field and company officers, respectively, know their duty, and are able and willing to perform it?  Whether the subalterns are severally sober, active, and industrious, careful to acquire knowledge, and to communicate it to the non-commissioned officers and privates?  Whether the Adjutant, Quartermaster, and Paymaster, are competent to the duties assigned to them?  Whether the regimental books are kept with accuracy and regularity? and whether the non-commissioned officers perform their duty with promptitude and effect?

3d. Whether the meat and bread furnished by contract are of good quality, and whether these, and other articles, composing the rations, are regularly issued?

4th. Whether the forage be good, and of sufficient quantity?

5th. Whether the hospital supplies and regulations be sufficient, and regularly dispensed in the one case, and observed in the other?

6th. Whether there has been any irregularity in the proceedings of courts martial, or in the execution of sentences pronounced by them?  And

7th. Whether the quantity of ammunition in store is sufficient, and well secured, and whether the arms and equipments are in proper order?

On each of these heads there will be a special report; and in what may be said on the 2d, all possible frankness is expected.  One motive more to this, will be found in the solemn declaration of the Government, that, while it shall be its invariable practice to distinguish, and to reward merit of every description, and in every grade, all pretensions not having that foundation, however propped and patronized by names, will be utterly disregarded.


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